SELLING - The latest trade offers businesses
Products available:
3 353 662.00 PLN
Gołdap warmińsko-mazurskie
PPH GICOR - a producer of high-quality cast iron products. Our company is a family business that was set up in 1973. We have great expertise and experience in cast iron products that we produce 100% in north-eastern ... more
Unit price135.00 PLN 29.68 EUR
Offered quantity: 5 szt.
Gołdap warmińsko-mazurskie
PPH GICOR - a producer of high-quality cast iron products. Our company is a family business that was set up in 1973. We have great expertise and experience in cast iron products that we produce 100% in north-eastern ... more
Unit price280.00 PLN 61.56 EUR
Offered quantity: 10 szt.
Gołdap warmińsko-mazurskie
PPH GICOR - a producer of high-quality cast iron products. Our company is a family business that was set up in 1973. We have great expertise and experience in cast iron products that we produce 100% in north-eastern ... more
Unit price242.00 PLN 53.21 EUR
Offered quantity: 10 szt.
Gołdap warmińsko-mazurskie
PPH GICOR - a producer of high-quality cast iron products. Our company is a family business that was set up in 1973. We have great expertise and experience in cast iron products that we produce 100% in north-eastern ... more
Unit price251.00 PLN 55.18 EUR
Offered quantity: 10 szt.
Gołdap warmińsko-mazurskie
PPH GICOR - a producer of high-quality cast iron products. Our company is a family business that was set up in 1973. We have great expertise and experience in cast iron products that we produce 100% in north-eastern ... more
Unit price146.00 PLN 32.10 EUR
Offered quantity: 10 szt.
Gołdap warmińsko-mazurskie
PPH GICOR - a producer of high-quality cast iron products. Our company is a family business that was set up in 1973. We have great expertise and experience in cast iron products that we produce 100% in north-eastern ... more
Unit price301.00 PLN 66.18 EUR
Offered quantity: 10 szt.
Gołdap warmińsko-mazurskie
PPH GICOR - a producer of high-quality cast iron products. Our company is a family business that was set up in 1973. We have great expertise and experience in cast iron products that we produce 100% in north-eastern ... more
Unit price91.00 PLN 20.01 EUR
Offered quantity: 10 szt.
Gołdap warmińsko-mazurskie
PPH GICOR - a producer of high-quality cast iron products. Our company is a family business that was set up in 1973. We have great expertise and experience in cast iron products that we produce 100% in north-eastern ... more
Unit price274.00 PLN 60.24 EUR
Offered quantity: 10 szt.
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osób trzecich i posiada odpowiednie zgody i uprawnienia określone stosownym prawem, które pozwalają na opublikowanie zdjęcia/filmów/treści w Serwisie i na nim spoczywa
odpowiedzialność za ewnetualne nieprawne ich wykorzystanie.