SELLING - The latest trade offers businesses
Products available:
2 707 255.00 PLN
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Lębork pomorskie
POLTAREX Woodworking Company based in Lębork. Its main line of business includes converting the raw material, mainly softwood (in the Godętowo sawmill – also hardwood – birch and beech), production of sawn timber, ... more
Unit price:
negotiableOffered quantity: Any quantity
Bielawa dolnośląskie
We are an enterprise with many-years-long experience in the scope of clothing production. We have been in operations since 1998. Our experience allows us to offer you products with the highest quality guarantee. We employ ... more
Unit price:
negotiableOffered quantity: Wholesale quantities
Bielawa dolnośląskie
We are an enterprise with many-years-long experience in the scope of clothing production. We have been in operations since 1998. Our experience allows us to offer you products with the highest quality guarantee. We employ ... more
Unit price:
negotiableOffered quantity: Wholesale quantities
Bielawa dolnośląskie
We are an enterprise with many-years-long experience in the scope of clothing production. We have been in operations since 1998. Our experience allows us to offer you products with the highest quality guarantee. We employ ... more
Unit price:
negotiableOffered quantity: Wholesale quantities
Bielawa dolnośląskie
We are an enterprise with many-years-long experience in the scope of clothing production. We have been in operations since 1998. Our experience allows us to offer you products with the highest quality guarantee. We employ ... more
Unit price:
negotiableOffered quantity: Wholesale quantities
Bielawa dolnośląskie
We are an enterprise with many-years-long experience in the scope of clothing production. We have been in operations since 1998. Our experience allows us to offer you products with the highest quality guarantee. We employ ... more
Unit price:
negotiableOffered quantity: Wholesale quantities
Bielawa dolnośląskie
We are an enterprise with many-years-long experience in the scope of clothing production. We have been in operations since 1998. Our experience allows us to offer you products with the highest quality guarantee. We employ ... more
Unit price:
negotiableOffered quantity: Wholesale quantities
Inowrocław kujawsko-pomorskie
Polish company „ELTEX” has been operating in the sewing industry since 2004. We have a sewing facility that specializes in the products “garden and house”: covers for ironing boards, cloths, bags, covers, curtains, ... more
Unit price:
negotiableOffered quantity: Wholesale quantities
Inowrocław kujawsko-pomorskie
Polish company „ELTEX” has been operating in the sewing industry since 2004. We have a sewing facility that specializes in the products “garden and house”: covers for ironing boards, cloths, bags, covers, curtains, ... more
Unit price:
negotiableOffered quantity: Wholesale quantities
Inowrocław kujawsko-pomorskie
Polish company „ELTEX” has been operating in the sewing industry since 2004. We have a sewing facility that specializes in the products “garden and house”: covers for ironing boards, cloths, bags, covers, curtains, ... more
Unit price:
negotiableOffered quantity: Wholesale quantities
Inowrocław kujawsko-pomorskie
Polish company „ELTEX” has been operating in the sewing industry since 2004. We have a sewing facility that specializes in the products “garden and house”: covers for ironing boards, cloths, bags, covers, curtains, ... more
Unit price:
negotiableOffered quantity: Wholesale quantities
Inowrocław kujawsko-pomorskie
Polish company „ELTEX” has been operating in the sewing industry since 2004. We have a sewing facility that specializes in the products “garden and house”: covers for ironing boards, cloths, bags, covers, curtains, ... more
Unit price:
negotiableOffered quantity: Wholesale quantities
Inowrocław kujawsko-pomorskie
Polish company „ELTEX” has been operating in the sewing industry since 2004. We have a sewing facility that specializes in the products “garden and house”: covers for ironing boards, cloths, bags, covers, curtains, ... more
Unit price:
negotiableOffered quantity: Wholesale quantities
Inowrocław kujawsko-pomorskie
Polish company „ELTEX” has been operating in the sewing industry since 2004. We have a sewing facility that specializes in the products “garden and house”: covers for ironing boards, cloths, bags, covers, curtains, ... more
Unit price:
negotiableOffered quantity: Wholesale quantities
Inowrocław kujawsko-pomorskie
Polish company „ELTEX” has been operating in the sewing industry since 2004. We have a sewing facility that specializes in the products “garden and house”: covers for ironing boards, cloths, bags, covers, curtains, ... more
Unit price:
negotiableOffered quantity: Wholesale quantities
Osielsko kujawsko-pomorskie
We invite to cooperation with every industry requiring cutting of pipes and profiles - laser cutting. We have the appropriate machines. more
Unit price:
negotiableOffered quantity: Wholesale quantities
Przecław zachodniopomorskie
Terry cloth microfiber drying towel 80x60 cm 320 GWe sell high-quality microfibres, car-wash sponges or chamois leather products. We have our own sewing hall, so we are able to produce customised designs. ... more
Unit price6.32 PLN 1.39 EUR
Offered quantity: 2000 szt.
Przecław zachodniopomorskie
drying towel 50x60 280gsmWe sell high-quality microfibres, car-wash sponges or chamois leather products. We have our own sewing hall, so we are able to produce customised designs. We offer products and ... more
Unit price4.10 PLN 0.90 EUR
Offered quantity: 3000 szt.
Przecław zachodniopomorskie
microfiber 30x29 210 g, mix of colorsWe sell high-quality microfibres, car-wash sponges or chamois leather products. We have our own sewing hall, so we are able to produce customised designs. We offer products ... more
Unit price0.85 PLN 0.19 EUR
Offered quantity: 10000 szt.
Przecław zachodniopomorskie
Waffle - texture microfibre for glass cleaning 40x40 320 g more
Unit price5.82 PLN 1.28 EUR
Offered quantity: 500 szt. possible smaller quantities
Bielawa dolnośląskie
We are a family-run business with strong aspirations. We mill details in all kinds of steel and aluminium. We also perform, at client request, coatings on them hardening, anodizing etc. We own Haas VF4 milling machine ... more
Unit price:
negotiableOffered quantity: Any quantity
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Redakcja nie ponosi odpowiedzialności za treść ogłoszeń i prawa autorskie do zdjęć. Klient dostarczający materiały potwierdza, iż nie narusza praw autorskich
osób trzecich i posiada odpowiednie zgody i uprawnienia określone stosownym prawem, które pozwalają na opublikowanie zdjęcia/filmów/treści w Serwisie i na nim spoczywa
odpowiedzialność za ewnetualne nieprawne ich wykorzystanie.