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The general enterprise `STAPOL` based in Człuchów at at Sienkiewicza street 48 has been in operation since 1986 We are specialised in making work, company and protective clothing. Our priorities include the top quality of our production and implementation of innovative technologies. On 24 March 2006 Zakład Wielobranżowy STAPOL was granted the status of a Workplace for the Disabled. In June 2006 we implemented the quality management system ISO 9001:2000.Monitoring the domestic and foreign markets, the Management Board decided to meet the customers’ expectations halfway and launched the service of laundering and rental of work, company and special-purpose clothes. In October 2006 a modern, environment-friendly laundry for work, company and special-purpose clothes was commissioned. OSH - comprehensive occupational safety and hygiene services Status of a Workplace for the Disabled Legal grounds ISO 9001:2000 quality management system The quality management system ISO 9001:2000 we have implemented in our company means there are many requirements we have to meet, but at the same time, it is a guarantee of top quality of the services we provide to our customers, repeatable quality and short time of response to your business needs. Transport We have a fleet of vehicles with the loading capacity ranging from 600 kg to 12 tons. We deliver the goods using our own means of transport. Our services are customised
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