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STALMECH is a family company with more than 30 years of experience in the sector of steel processing.Our company manufactures containers for the industry needs, and we are a certified supplier for the automotive industry.We manufacture standard as well as special steel containers and pallets. Moreover, our containers are characterised by exceptional functionality and guarantee the highest quality.Furthermore, we provide steel pallets and containers for major automotive manufacturers in Europe, primarily in Germany, as well as outside Europe. In addition to containers for the automotive industry, we provide logistics equipment and warehouse equipment for other industry sectors, construction sites, window manufacturers. Last year, we took part in a project involving the delivery of tens of thousands of steel beds for refugees.In order to meet the market needs, we manufacture among others storage containers and office containers under the KLEVE brand. Furthermore, our containers are distinguished by high functionality and they guarantee the highest quality as solid, durable and proven structures, which are manufactured in entirety in Poland.Moreover, we have a modern and automated factory. Our team of experienced salesmen and highly specialised engineers is always at the disposal of our clients. Due to the fact that we supervise all processes at all times, our clients and partners associate KLEVE with the highest standards, while our containers are highly uated by their users.
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