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We offer laser sheet metal cutting. Thanks to the TRUMPF 3030 laser cutter, we guarantee the fastest and most accurate sheet metal processing process with the possibility of producing production series reaching thousands of pieces. Laser cutting allows you to cut any shape, guaranteeing precision and repeatability of elements in the series. We strive to maintain the highest quality standards. Trumpf TruLaser 3030 Force: 4 kW Working field 1500x3000 mm metal sheets firing of thickness: Constructional steel up to 20 mm Stainless steel up to 12 mm Aluminum steel up to 8 mm Cutting of sheets covered with cover foil Metal sheet Punching EU­RO­MAC BX CNC nu­meric punch­ing ma­chine is a per­fect com­ple­ment to a laser cut­ter. We cut sheet metal by up to 2mm, we also make ribs. We offer eco­nom­i­cal cut­ting of de­tails with a large num­ber of holes - per­fo­ra­tion. Pre­ci­sion and pro­fes­sion­al­ism com­bined with the use of ap­pro­pri­ate equip­ment and tech­nol­ogy al­lows us to meet the needs of the most de­mand­ing cus­tomers. EU­RO­MAC BX Firing load 30 tonnes Maximum sheet thickness: 2 mm Bending The el­e­ments are char­ac­ter­ized by high pre­ci­sion and bend­ing qual­ity. Bend­ing takes place on the basis of spec­i­fi­ca­tions or tech­ni­cal draw­ings pro­vided by the cus­tomer. The need to give the de­sired shape by bend­ing is not a prob­lem for us. Our ma­chine park al­lows for the im­ple­men­ta­tion of even non-stan­dard needs and re­quire­ments. We al­ways try to max­i­mize cus­tomer sat­is­fac­tion by con­stantly look­ing for new ma­chin­ing pos­si­bil­i­ties. AMADA HEE 100-3 CNC Control Firing load 100 tonnes Maximum bending length: 3000 mm Cutting and rubdown The ap­pro­ropi­ate fin­ish and prepa­ra­tion for a spe­cific di­men­sion are the fea­tures of a well-ex­e­cuted order. Our ma­chin­ery fa­cil­i­ties allow us to pre­cisely fin­ish prod­ucts cre­ated in the fir­ing, punch­ing and bend­ing process. Giv­ing the de­sired di­men­sions to the prod­ucts, tak­ing care of the de­tails and proper fin­ish­ing is a very im­por­tant el­e­ment for us. Welding We weld steel sheets and con­struc­tions. We have qual­i­fied staff, nec­es­sary equip­ment and, most of all, ex­pe­ri­ence al­low­ing weld­ing of even the most com­plex el­e­ments and struc­tures. MIG Method Maximum force: 400 A Other services In ad­di­tion, in order to pro­vide pro­fes­sional and com­pre­hen­sive ex­e­cu­tion of the order, we offer: welding, welding of pivots, drilling in cooperation: hot dip galvanizing and powder lackering
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