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Zakład Stolarki Budowlanej PROSBUD has been working in the wood industry since 1992. Its main scope of activity is the production of interior and exterior doors from natural pine wood. PROSBUD’s portfolio is constantly updated so as to meet our clients’ needs and requirements when it comes to functionality, design and colouring. Our company strives to ensure a unique architectural character of all products, which emphasises the individual taste of the client and the style of the room. What guarantees the satisfaction of our clients is the use of carefully chosen wood, high quality accessories, ecological finishing materials and innovative construction methods. PROSBUD carries out both standard and unconventional orders. We provide comprehensive customer support service, including technical advice, assembly and delivery by means of our own transportation. Extensive experience, supreme resource infrastructure, committed staff; accurate and daring investments, as well as marketing decisions, have made PROSBUD a notable door producer, known for its many business relations both on the home and foreign markets.

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