MARSTAL specializes in laser cutting of the structural steels (stainless and aluminum), cutting of the sheet metals with the use of CNC cutter, bending of the sheet metals on press brakes, welding, sandblasting, shot-blasting and painting.
Equipped with modern technical background, own-account truck transport and qualified staff, we are able to ensure a high quality of the provided services, while optimizing the costs at the same time. Due to the constant cooperation with other companies, our offer is adapted to the individual needs. Our Clients are serviced reliably, quickly and comprehensively.
We manufacture products and provide services on the European market for German, Italian, English, Swedish, Finnish, Czech, Danish and Polish companies. Approximately 80 percent of the production is sent for export.
We pride ourselves on the finished products, which we provide as final products for many renowned companies from energy, automotive, agricultural, construction and furniture industries.
BorField brand is an integral part of the MARSTAL company and its activity is focused on the designing and manufacturing of the agricultural machines for cultivating fields i.e. disk harrows, heavy disc harrows, sowing units, chisel plows.
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