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SPORTLAKE S.A.- the firm of Boat Builders was founded in 1999 as a result of the conversion of Piotr and Wojciech Kot`s SPORTLAKE s.c. Piotr Kot, who is fond of sailing, laid the foundations of Sportlake and on August 1st , 1990 founded a small company manufacturing boats made of laminate. Two years later, on July 7th Wojciech Kot joined the company and added to his brother`s professionalism and passion his marketing talent and flourish, which resulted in expansion into the western markets and an increase in the variety of the firm`s boats. As from August 1, 2003 the Company has changed its registered name to DELPHIA Yachts S.A. This change has been guided by the fact that the greatest development of the Company takes place primarily on the foreign markets and that a new line of Delphia type yachts has been introduced recently. The shipyard continues to cultivate the best of SPORTLAKE S.A. traditions, and the yachts produced by it shall still distinguish themselves with their good quality, reliability and price. The profits from the initial activity of Sportlake s.c. supported by loans were allocated into investments on machines and devices, building of the production hall and installation of an improved heating system, purchase and modernization of the office building and the firm`s headquarters. It allowed withdrawal from expensive tenancies or rents and allocation of the financial resources to infrastructure development and job creation at the firm which was developing dynamically. By the end of 1999, SPORTLAKE S.A already employed 152 employees. The increased sale of sailing and motor boats and new contracts showed a huge demand for our products of which 98 % were exported into the western European markets. That situation led to the building of a new production hall , styrene emitter and the purchase of a new technological line together with a suitable machine park. Our competitive prices are secured by strict control of the expenses spent on the raw materials and modern production technology. The firm is trying to solve the problems of environmental issues- the installed dust separators reduce this problem a hundred per cent in the carpenter`s workshop. We converted coal boiler-houses into oil boiler-houses. We created a post of waste material sorting, which has to be recycled. Since 2002 we have been using ecological components eg.: L.S.E. resins (Low Styren Emission).
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